With version 2.5 of Right On Time, a new file format has been introduced. YOU MUST CONVERT YOUR OLD EVENTS FILES TO THE NEW FORMAT!!! Use the application "ROT Utilities" to convert your old Events files into new ones. In the future, "ROT Utilities" will include more import and export options, along with other goodies, which don't need to be in the main application.
The new file format was required to support the new extended date range of Right On Time 2.5.
As a safety precaution, before converting to the new file format you should save a backup copy of your Events and Old Events files, as well as your previous version of Right On Time (you make regular backups anyway, right?). As an additional precaution, you should delete your existing "Right On Time Prefs" file (located in your Preferences folder) before using the new version.
Your new, converted Events files may not appear with the correct icon at first. As long as you have older versions of Right On Time laying around, the Finder will be confused. Sooner or later (after rebuilding your desktop and storing old versions of ROT somewhere else), the new icon will appear.